Are They Just Coping?

Y'all, I can't get away from the flat Earth people.

Is it just the easiest way to make sense of the world?


Let me explain.

In my view, the American Experiment has gone completely sideways. We are not what our founders envisioned, and we're not doing what they thought we'd be doing.

In many ways, we do precisely what we escaped when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

I assume you're paying taxes. Now, think about it and let me know if you feel you are getting any honest or productive representation in return.

I'll wait.

In the meantime, look around.

Shit's broken!

Everywhere you look, we're dumbing down the system as though we're searching for a new and lower common denominator while we become increasingly dependent on the same system.

--> In schools, continually lower the bar for passing. We are graduating kids from high school that can't read.

--> We are poisoning our food with processes we know cause long-term disease.

--> We are inventing an endless supply of new drugs with terrible side effects to treat the symptoms of the same diseases.

--> As a country, we're in unfathomable debt. You can watch it run up here:

--> As individuals, we're in crazy debt. 80% of us have consumer debt; the average is around $40k and rising. Our average salary is around $60k. You do the math.

--> Our journalists have become propagandists who, in cahoots with our politicians, produce a daily narrative that many view as marching orders.

Disease, Drugs, Debit, and Disingenuousness.

That's what we've come to.

And most, either blindly or willingly, are going along with it.

Another day, another dollar.

We're not paying attention.

And things are not what they seem.

Looking behind the curtain can be overwhelming.

You start to realize the lies you've been told, the propaganda you've lived through.

For some, it's enlightening.

For others, it's terrifying.

And for others still, it's simply overwhelming.

Perhaps the latter applies to the flat earthers who've fallen victim to faulty logic.

"I was told one lie. Therefore, everything is a lie. And therefore, the Earth must be flat."

I may be wrong about that.

But I've been hanging out in the Flat-Earth rabbit hole for a few weeks, watching many of these folks and talking to a few of them, and it's clear they're not relying on facts, science, or even simple observations.

In the end, maybe it is just a coping mechanism?


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